Stormcast Eternals Lord-Terminos
Lord Terminos are the grim reaper of the Stormcast Eterenals, if its your time to die they will let you know. Unleash them and their minion onto the battlefield and watch the Lord Terminos wield his mighty blade.
This kit builds 2 models - some assembly is required
Lord Terminos are the grim reaper of the Stormcast Eterenals, if its your time to die they will let you know. Unleash them and their minion onto the battlefield and watch the Lord Terminos wield his mighty blade.
This kit builds 2 models - some assembly is required
Lord Terminos are the grim reaper of the Stormcast Eterenals, if its your time to die they will let you know. Unleash them and their minion onto the battlefield and watch the Lord Terminos wield his mighty blade.
This kit builds 2 models - some assembly is required